Saturday, August 7, 2010

Here’s the tentative schedule I have for my stab at the ORG2 project:

  1. August 2010 – Prototyping, Envisioning, Backlog
    Using Flex 4, I’ve developed a capability app to make sure that the features I want to deliver are possible.  I have been able to preview PDF’s, generate PDFs from XML based templates, read log files and a few other high priority ideas.  There are a few more exploratory ideas that I need to prototype, e.g. drag and drop report design to export to XML.  Then I will revise my UI envision, throw anything that cannot be done quickly but is not mission critical into the backlog and get cranking on the Shell.
  2. September 2010 – Shell Development Phase 1, release to select OWASP folks for initial impressions.
    Get a Shell out for look and feel.  Get it set up to work with a provider model.
  3. October 2010 – Provider Development Phase 1
    Start to convert the original ORG stuff.
  4. November 2010 – Community Preview, Open up development to contributors
    Depending on our progress in the previous 3 sprints, open up to the public and start a feedback loop (and contribution loop)
  5. December 2010 – Alpha Release, KB/Training materials
    When we have something is usable, start the promotion cycle.

Stay tuned!


Anant Shrivastava said...

hi Roxberry,

are you still working on ORG2 or is it stalled... in case its stalled can you suggest some alternative, coz i am looking for a simmilar product.

Anant Shrivastava said...

hi Roxberry,

are you still working on ORG2 or is it stalled... in case its stalled can you suggest some alternative, coz i am looking for a simmilar product.